After almost a year, Apple finally fixed a fatal bug with tvOS 17 in September: while playing movies (via M3U8 playlist), the app sometimes crashed when the system function in AVFoundation tried to display the duration even though it was not there yet / was known.
Unfortunately, 2 new bugs have been added: firstly, when starting to play the movie, an incorrect playback position is sometimes displayed – e.g. 10 minutes instead of 2 minutes. As soon as the movie is completely segmented and the total duration of the movie is known, …
When exporting (edited) TV recordings, the aspect ratio may not have been recognized correctly: movies with a height of 560 pixels and a width of 1024 pixels, for example, may have had an incorrect width after export.
This is all the more surprising because the aspect ratio (AVVideoPixelAspectRatioKey) was previously specified during export.
In this version, the aspect ratio is no longer explicitly specified – by specifying the correct width and height, the aspect ratio results anyway.
Through feedback from Denis, it became apparent that random MAC addresses have not yet …
In this version of the nessMediaCenter App, we have revised and extended the control of the media presentation through the Siri remote control.
Previously, when presenting multiple media, the previous or next media (picture/movie) could be selected by swiping on the Siri Touch surface – but only for pictures, as the swipe for movies is intercepted by the movie system routines.
In addition, the movie presentation was zoomed by double-pressing on the touch surface – regardless of the position (left/middle/right). This also zoomed when, for example, you double-pressed on the right …
In this version of the nessViewer App we have fixed a few errors, including the Media Show with local media.
In addition, we have added the change of the playback speed to the movie presentation: movies can now be played at up to 8x speed or in slow motion up to 4x.
In this version we have improved the media server, the MediaCenter and the media presentation in addition to some internal routines.
New for the media server for macOS 10.15 and newer is the integrated movie segmenter (MPEG4AppleHLS), which breaks down movies into M3U8 segments and streams them to the media client (available in the MediaCenter). Previously only …
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